At the time of the release of the Valorant Breeze Map, players were skeptical or disapproving of it. However, that has changed over time, especially after the Valorant Patch Notes 4.0 update, making valuable map changes. Let’s see how the Valorant Map Breeze changes benefit the Defenders.

Valorant Breeze Map – Is Now Defender Sided?

The Valorant Map changes in the Breeze may resemble the updates favoring the Defenders, but that’s not entirely true. When you examine the multiple differences between the old & new Breeze Map, you’ll find it has become more balanced.

Valorant Breeze Map Layout

For instance, the increased A-Main Choke width and changes to the pool shape balance each other on the A Site area. Including a Yellow trailer on the backside further helps Attackers defend the site better than the old boxes stack. But there’s more!

New Valorant Breeze Map Defense Options

The Valorant New Map changes levels the gameplay for both the sides – Attackers & Defenders. After adjustments to the elements on both spike sites & the Mid Area, Attackers could now defend the map better.

Site A

  • Hold position behind the Boxes Stack, near Mid Wood Doors, to guard mid-entry into Site A.
  • Post Plant, return to A Cave position when Spike is planted closer to A-Main Choke.
  • Strafing on or beneath the A Bridge can offer a good vantage point outside the pool area. It also protects the Boxed Stack player watching Mid Wood Doors.
  • The Agent at the Backside (Yellow Trailer) could vigilantly watch A Pyramids & A Cave lurks.
  • Playing A Site Cover or on the stairs outside A Metal Doors protects the player on the backside while watching A Pyramids or A Cave, respectively.
Valorant Breeze Map -Site A

Mid Area

The singular change on the Mid area of the Valorant Breeze Map removes the inconvenience of checking Mid Stack.

  • A Defender could hold the Mid Chute position in anticipation of Mid Push instead of holding A Bridge.
  • The Mid Nest to Defender Side Spawn area can be lurked by Defenders to allow easy rotation between spike sites. Lurk Attacker could do the same to play Flank push.
  • Holding the Mid Top area fares better when not protecting the Mid Nest. The valorant agent can simultaneously defend Mid push and B Main push.
  • Playing at the B Tunnel area can be another alternative to have better map control of the Mid Area & B Site.

Site B

The previous Breeze Valorant Map design left nothing for Defenders to hold for position when B Main push occurs. Likewise, the Attackers had nothing to defend the site post-plant besides moving to B Back. The new changes allow the following ways to Defend Site B on Breeze Map.

  • Playing at Defender Arches is no longer advantageous for sniping B Main Push because of the newly placed stack. So, defend the B Main area from aside or behind the B Wall.
  • A Defender could play the B Site crouched in the cover of the box stack on the plant site and watch B Tunnel. Should a B Main push occur, the player could rotate to attack players on the B Back area.
  • An Attacker or Defender could hold the cubby area on B Site, adjacent to B Tunnel, to defend the site without giving away their position. It’s highly risky to hold it initially, so retain it for a post-plant or Attacker rotation scenario.
  • Valorant Jett agent players could ‘Updraft’ on the columns opposite B Wall to watch B Window and B Main. Falling back to B Back is a small window, but such a player could hide behind the plant area wall between B Wall & B Back.
Valorant Breeze Map Site B
Read More: Valorant Minimap Settings For Ascent & Haven Maps

Final Words

Defending the Valorant Breeze Map can still accommodate many choke points and positions. However, the tips mentioned above should be easier for all Valorant Rank players to follow and improvise. GLHF!

Author Valo
Categories Valorant Guide
Views 331


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