Uninstall Riot Client on Windows PC in 2023

Uninstall Riot Client may seem tricky, especially if you’ve encountered issues where it lingers after removing your Riot games. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to ensure a clean uninstallation of Riot Client from your Windows 11, 10, or 12 PC.

Riot Client and Its Importance

Before diving into the removal process, let’s understand Riot Client’s significance. Riot Client serves as the official gateway to an array of exciting Riot Games, including favorites like Valorant, League of Legends, and Legends of Runeterra. While these games bring joy to players worldwide, they can also lead to occasional annoyances, such as game-related issues and the consumption of precious disk space. Furthermore, Riot Client itself may occasionally become unstable, causing crashes and taking up valuable hard drive real estate.

The Unwanted Residue: Riot Client Lingers On

One of the primary issues users encounter is the persistence of Riot Client on their systems even after uninstalling Riot games. This can be frustrating, but worry not—we have two effective methods to help you bid farewell to Riot Client.

Method 1: Uninstalling Games via Control Panel

Uninstalling games from Riot Client is typically straightforward. Begin by accessing your Control Panel, navigate to Programs, and then select “Uninstall a game.” Here, you can locate and uninstall titles like League of Legends or others. For Valorant, the process varies slightly, and we’ve covered that in detail in a previous post: “How to Uninstall Valorant on Riot Client in Windows 11/10? Follow the Guide.”

Method 2: The Manual Approach

Unfortunately, Riot Client is not a conventional application and cannot be removed via the Programs and Features window in the Control Panel. Instead, you’ll need to take a manual approach.

Step 1: Navigating to Riot Games Folder

1. Open File Explorer in your Windows 11/10/12 system.

Step 2: Deleting Riot Games Folder

2. Once you’ve reached the Riot Games folder, go ahead and delete it. Make sure to empty your Recycle Bin afterward.

Extra Step for Leftover Files

In some cases, residual files might be stored in other directories. Here’s how to deal with them:

Step 1: Locate Riot Client’s File Location

1. Type “Riot” into the search box and right-click on Riot Client to choose “Open file location.”

Step 2: Delete the Riot Games Folder

2. Delete the folder named “Riot Games.”

Method 3: Uninstalling Riot Client Using CMD

Reddit user Moto360ing has shared a method to uninstall Riot Client via Command Prompt. This approach helps remove directories and files beginning with the word “riot.”

Step 1: Run Command Prompt with Admin Privileges

1. Launch Command Prompt with admin permissions.

Step 2: Executing Commands

2. In the Command Prompt window, execute the following commands one by one and press Enter after each:

    dir C:\riot*.* /s /b /a:d > %tmp%\list.txt

    for /F “tokens=* delims=” %x in (%tmp%\list.txt) do rd %x /s /q

    dir C:\riot*.* /s /b > %tmp%\list.txt

    for /F “tokens=* delims=” %x in (list.txt) do del “%x” /s /q

The Final Step: Registry Cleanup

While most items can be left untouched, there are some Registry files that should be removed. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open Registry Editor

1. Type “regedit” into the search box and open the Registry Editor.

Step 2: Remove Specific Items

2. Manually remove the following items:

  • Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\riotclient
  • Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ApplicationAssociationToasts\riotclient_riotclient
  • Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FeatureUsage\AppSwitched\(some items contain paths to riot games)


In summary, uninstalling Riot Client from your Windows 11, 10, or 12 PC may not be as straightforward as uninstalling traditional software, but with our guide, you can do it effectively. Whether you choose the manual deletion method or the Command Prompt approach, following these steps will help ensure a clean removal of Riot Client and its associated files, giving you a tidy and hassle-free gaming experience.

Riot Client Download from our website

Author Valo
Categories News Valorant Guide
Views 478


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