Terms & Conditions

The use of ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ throughout the ‘Terms & Condition’ refers to “online-game-download.com”.

Upon visiting our blog or using our services, you consent to agree to the following terms and conditions and are bound by them. The stated Terms & Conditions apply to all the blog users, including readers, advertisers, visitors, and/or contributors to the content. If you disagree with our terms & conditions and terms of use, you may not access our blog nor use our services in any manner whatsoever.

Please read our Terms & Conditions cautiously before using our blog.


Your use of information, products, service, and solutions found on our blog is at your sole risk. The stated materials and content are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis only. The services and solutions and whole of the blog content are provided without any guarantees and warranties, whether self-expressed or implied, including but not limited to additional implied warranties of functionality, non-infringement, or course of purpose.

“online-game-download.com” and its affiliates, subsidiaries, and its licensors do not warrant that:

  1. The stated services will function without failures and interruptions, securely or with full availability at any given time or location.
  2. Function to be corrective of defectiveness or errors.
  3. The information, products, and services are free from harmful components of any type, including viruses.
  4. The results of using the information, service, and products or any material on our blog will satisfy your requirements.


We reserve the right to cancel, discontinue or suspend services at any time and without notice. We also possess the right to modify any services and content on the blog at any time without prior notice. We also possess the right at our discretion to replace or modify these terms at any time. Any new material changes in the Terms will allow you a 30 days notice before the new terms are in effect. What defines a material change will be regulated at our sole discretion only.

Your use of our blog implies that you accept and abide by our changes that are made material after new terms have been established.

Intellectual Property Limited Usage Rights

All the original content, services, features, and functionality are, and they will exclusively remain the property of “online-game-download.com” and its licensors. The services and information are protected by trademark, copyright, and other “India” and foreign countries’ laws. Our trademarks and information may not be used to connect with any service or product without prior written consent obtained from us.

We provide you with limited permission to access the content and other information on the blog for personal use only. You agree to consent not to modify/transform/copy/download/distribute/publish any material, service, or content directly or indirectly without our valid consent. However, you may download or print the content or other information from our blog’s pages either for non-commercial or personal use only.

You do not possess the right to resell or place any information/content existing on the blog for commercial use of any type. You are also prohibited from collecting and utilizing any content or information of any kind, including product listings, helpful tips for any third party’s benefit. “online-game-download.com” forbids you to make use of our name, trademark, logo, or the identity of any entity associated with us, with regards to making an impression on viewers that you or a third party is a distributor or publisher of “online-game-download.com’s” services or is the owner of the blog in any way.

You also agree not to transmit nor reproduce the provided content and services, including any other part of our blog on any other website or blog.

Copyright Violations & Prohibited Use of Services 

We will not and are not liable for any form of violation of copyright arising from the content and services posted on our blog. The same also applies to any content and products linked or advertised through our blog, by either end-users or by any third parties.

For third parties or users, you may not use any content, information, service, or product on our blog and the same that is tied to us for any unauthorized or illegal purposes.

You solely consent not to use our blog, including its contents, services, products, or information of any kind for unlawful activities. You may also not use our blog in a stature where it may inhibit the “online-game-download.com” reputation in any way whatsoever. You may not even attempt to gain or make unauthorized access to any service and content on the blog through means of any form.

We will reserve the right to discontinue any services and products on this blog or linked to it if they will be found in prohibition in any manner to the Terms & Conditions of this blog.

Products via Affiliate Links

We do not guarantee nor promise the quality of products and services and results arising from the information that you used from our blog or is linked to it. These are given only to allow you to gain better knowledge about the game, and you cannot blame us when and if you aren’t satisfied with your purchase product or information or when it does not match your expectations and opinions.

Our team has made each possible effort to present high-quality images of service and products, but we do not guarantee that your respective system(s) will display them with accurate color tones.

Access to different websites for products, services, and affiliation use is granted to you as long while you consent that those will hold us under no liability related to game issues, services & products, and whatever else arises from third-party involvement or third-party purchases.

Access to different websites for services and products is granted to you by using affiliates. We will possess none whatsoever liability for failed or other issues tied to transactions and products.

We are not liable for any damage or losses that you experience related to the purchased, services, products, or transactions of any type fulfilled by a third party. Only you will be held responsible where it applies that you’re solely held accountable for any issue(s) arising from the third party.

Liability Limitation

Under no circumstances or developments, without limitations shall “online-game-download.com” nor its affiliates, partners, directors, and employees are liable for any incidental, special, or consequential, punitive damages, including loss of data, goodwill, profits or intangible losses or other losses born of (i) your access to utilize or failure to access or utilize services and information; (ii) any conduct or content of third party on the service and information (iii) any content or information obtained from service and (iv) unauthorized use, access and alteration of your transmission or content, whether based on a warranty, tort(inclusive of negligence), contract or any other type of legal theory, whether or not we are informed of the possibilities of such damage, and even when and if a remedy/solution addressed here has failed its essential purpose.

Contact Us

For any queries, you may have and other questions that you seek answers for pertaining to the subject of this blog, please contact us via our contact form.