Radiant Best Valorant Minimap Settings Guide

Any tactical shooter is incomplete without a multi-feature minimap that assists you with getting around to the different areas on a map. In FPS games like Counter-Strike, Overwatch, Valorant, etc., underestimating the importance of a minimap is not a mistake you should make, despite being a pro-player who’s familiar with the different map regions. So, […]

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Breeze Valorant Map & Comparison: Breeze vs. Haven

The 1st anniversary of Valorant has brought numerous tweaks, updates, in-game features, rewards, and more to the community of valorant players across the globe. The game that gathered an unrealistic amount of buzz prior to its launch is, to date, maintaining its commitment to offer new content and exciting events, including the Breeze Valorant Map! […]

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Valorant Breeze Meta Agents After Patch 3.0

The popularity of the valorant game is soaring to greater heights with every passing day. The developers that are responsible for keeping the game fresh are leaving no stone unturned, literally. Ever since the game’s official release, the only addition of a new map was Icebox, which is currently a bit old but exciting nonetheless. […]

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